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Murphys reap reward

The Murphy family is reaping the rewards of hard work and perseverance after recording their most successful outcome at their 13th annual ram sale.Extra seating...

Come and get me, I’d love a home

My name is Oreo and I'm a seven-year-old Maltese X.  I'm a friendly little guy, love company and I'm house trained. I've had a...

Reardon grant is vital

A $300,000 donation has allowed Kaloma to think big – and that’s good news for aged care in Goondiwindi.And it’s all due to the generosity...

A cotton connection

Left school? Or about to?  And want a job in a rural industry? Well here’s a possibility.The Cotton Gap program launched by Cotton Australia provides...

More bad news for residents west of Goondiwindi

There’s more bad news for landowners and residents hit by flooding west of Goondiwindi.“Recent flood events are slowly receding but as one event passes,...

An open letter to Waleed Ali from dairy farmers

Dear Mr. Waleed Aly,        I wanted to thank you for your interest and public comments on the dairy crisis that has engulfed our industry in...

Anything but a pile of rubbish now

A little more than 10 years ago, the Victoria Hotel was under threat of becoming nothing more than a giant pile of rubble.It faced being...

Marshall takes on green slips

NSW NORTHERN Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has fired a broadside at the state’s CTP Green Slip insurers during a recent speech in Parliament and has...

Free foot health skills program

A free foot health assessment program will be offered in Goondiwindi on Friday, October 14 from 8.45am-4.30pm at the Loanna Education Room at the...

Look out for dive bombers

Spring is in the air, which means one thing is certain: it's magpie swooping season.You have probably experienced it at some stage. The sudden whoosh...

Horse property seminar

Nationally acclaimed author and expert on horse property management, Stuart Myers B.A. will deliver a seminar, Horses for Courses: Managing horses on small properties, which...

Empowering rural women

Young rural and remote women aged 18-30 with a desire to develop their leadership skills and community are invited to apply for a life-changing opportunity.The National...

Nominations closing soon for Young Achiever Awards

Young trailblazers will shine under the spotlight with the upcoming 2025 Queensland Young Achiever Awards. Nominations for the Awards are closing in less than a...