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Father’s still missing

Police are seeking information from the public, as part of Missing Persons Week, to help find a man who went missing from Queensland last...

Eisteddfod is hitting the high notes

WAITING. This is the lot of many supportive parents who sit for hours on end waiting for their children to present their three minute...

We must trust farmers to protect

Toobeah farmer John Norman’s nightmare experience with red tape and excessive bureaucracy illustrates an issue many farmers face.It shouldn’t have taken Mr Norman long...

Not too late to comment on proposal

The Goondiwindi community has one last chance to comment on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.The MDBA was in town last week for an informal take with...

Brooke’s red-face revolution goes viral

Brooke Saxby never imagined that when she decided to make some big changes in her life, that it would lead to, well, big changes.She...

Brooke is ready when you are

Most people wake up on New Year’s Day, roll over, put the pillow over their head  and go back to sleep. Not Brooke Saxby....

They’re off to the coast

The Goondiwindi community proved again how important Kaloma Home for the Aged is.  The Paynter/Dixon Kaloma Charity Golf Day  was a big success raising more than $56,000. But it was...

Car rocked in ‘Bogga’

Two boys have been charged after allegedly throwing rocks at a vehicle in Boggabilla.The boys, aged 16, were located near the area in Merriwa Street. They will...

Mayoral minds meet

It was a meeting of minds, when Goondiwind Regional Council Mayor, Cr Graeme Scheu, joined his mayoral colleagues from across the region in  Roma on Friday.  The...

New era for Yelarbon

A large proportion of Yelarbon’s CBD went under the hammer on Saturday.Advertising for the auction raised headlines of “Town for sale” around the state and...

Springborg under the gun

Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller has officially referred former health minister Lawrence Springborg to Queensland police over allegations he lied to a parliamentary committee.Mr Springborg...

Writers must put pen to paper

Schools all over the region are encouraging students to write creative pieces for the Macintyre Young Writers’ Competition.  A new closing date of September 9 instead...

Home therapy kits to benefit rural families

Across rural Australia, wait times for essential therapeutic services for children and teenagers, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy (OT) and play therapy, are...

The country life