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Could it be the best turn out to an Anzac Day March in Gundy?

What a sensational effort , Goondiwindi. We are wary of saying it is the best turnout to an Anzac Day march, but if we...

Hundreds turn out for Goondiwindi’s Dawn Service

Was it the biggest ever Dawn Service in Goondiwindi?Vietnam veteran Greg Rixon thinks it might be.“It seems to get bigger each year,” he said...

Wendy continues a tradition which echoes down the years

Anzac Day is always a special journey for bugler Wendy Litherland. Wendy has played the Last Post in Goondiwindi for the past 9 years...

Wendy played her heart out

Goondiwindi bugler Wendy Litherland (Well she may call the big smoke home these days but she’ll always be from Goondiwindi to us) played her heart...

We salute the casualties of our greatest folly

Yesterday we honoured those who have fought and fallen in the name of our nation. It is an emotionally complex day. We come together...

Magnificent mum’s battle plan to ‘turn the tables’

Hello my local newspaper, the mighty Argus. Mum was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease early last year.I wish to share with you a part of...

Closing date for Eisteddfod entries

Eisteddfod entries close on Tuesday, May 2.Entries for the 2017 Goondiwindi Apex Eisteddfod close on Tuesday, May 2.Schedules can be downloaded from or...

Poetry festival

Love to write? Love to be creative? Then this  is for you.The Macintyre Adult Writers’ Group is meeting at the Nook Bookshop on Sunday,...

Chamber Chat with Brooke

In celebration of Small Business Week from  May 15 -19, we have created a Pop-Up Event that has grown from our recent Business Breakfast. Continuing with the...

Lest we forget: Thomas John McCosker

Recently  we asked readers to send in pics of returned servicemen and women,  and of those who, sadly, didn’t.One of those who came back was...

Build a robust program around residuals

Grain producers in the Central West region of New South Wales are approaching the tipping point of herbicide efficacy to control several key weeds....

The future of ag